Teaching Schedule

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Purchase "Forgive for Good" Audio Tapes 

Media Coverage

Dr. Luskin on Video and Audio

Research Abstracts


The 9 Steps of forgiveness


"Forgive for Good"

  Video Links


 Forgive for Good:  In this hour long PBS pledge drive video Dr. Luskin explains and offers guided practice in his 9 Steps of Forgiveness.


To order a VHS or DVD copy of "Forgive for Good"  http://www.customflix.com/Store/ShowTtl.jsp?id=204327



Got a Grudge? The Art and Science of Forgiveness


On Demand Video:
get Windows Media Player
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Frederic Luskin, project director at the Stanford Center for Research in Disease Prevention, discusses overcoming hurt in relationships and describes an innovative research project designed to help resolve interpersonal conflicts.

Produced: April 22, 1999 by the Stanford University Research Channel

Videotapes of Dr. Luskin 

1. Thinking About Forgiveness in Coping with Serious Illness  

2. Got a Grudge: Forgiveness   

are available from the Stanford Hospital Health Library 

To order please call:  ( 650) 725-8400


Audio Links 


National Public Radio-All Things Considered - 7/23/00


KQED-FM- "Forum" Program -2/08/02


Insight Meditation Group Dharma Talk- 3/02


National Public Radio- Talk of the Nation-5/02


Grace Cathedral-Forum Program 10/02